Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Case Closed

Japanese Title: Detective Conan
Original Author: Goshio Aoyama (I believe)
Episodes: 380 + 4 movies (from what I've seen)
Rating: 13+
Release Studio: Funimation Productions
Release Year: 2004
Main Voice Actors:

Note: The Japanese character names are different from the English names. The English names are listed below.

Jimmy Kudo ~ Jerry Jewell
Conan Edogawa ~ Alison Retzloff
Rachel Moore ~ Colleen Clinkenbeard
Richard Moore ~ Bruce R. Elliot
Dr. Agasa ~ Bill Flynn
Inspector Maguire ~ Mike Stoddard
George ~ Dameon Clarke
Mitch ~ Cynthia Cranz
Amy ~ Monica Rial
Harley Hartwell ~ Kevin M. Connolly

Jimmy Kudo is a teenage detective with a talent for observation like no other. One night, while spying on two men in black, he is caught and is fed a mysterious chemical. The chemical that was supposed to kill him turned him into a grade schooler! With the help of Dr. Agasa, he manages to live with his previous classmate and close friend, Rachel Moore whose father is a detective. Now he has to solve crimes as a kid and using gadgets Dr. Agasa gives him (such as a tranquilizer watch and a voice-changing bow tie) he makes it look like Richard (Rachel's father) is doing the work to avoid suspicion. Each crime he solves may drive him closer to who attempted to poison him and the antidote!

Okay, just to set things straight, aside from our main characters above, the characters change per episode and sometimes every other episode. This anime is great if you love mysteries or murders and stuff like that. The ideas are unique. I highly doubt you'll guess right often on how the killer did it. Trying to find the culprit is fun but in the two-episode ones (which mostly have more detail) it can be nerve-wracking to wait for the next episode. There are actually several types of mysteries. One, you are trying to find the culprit in a group of people. Two, you are trying to crack the culprit's alibi. And three, you are trying to find the victim (mostly kidnappings I presume). Those are right off the top of my head and the fact is I haven't seen all the episodes yet.

The art/music in this show aren't what draws me to it. It's the thrill of trying to find the culprit. The mysteries are always new to me. The drawback is, with most episodes anyway: if you saw an episode once, you're probably not going to watch it again. Once you watch it once, you already know what happens (unless you forget). Another thing that got on my nerves was Hartwell's name. Come on, Harley? What's up with that?! I prefer his Japanese name, thank you. The voice actors are good. Some ADV actors show up sometimes as the minor characters.

Great for mystery fans, bad for watching it over and over.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey!! i happen to watch the episodes over and over not just because ive got amnesia or anything,but you do have a point. oh,the episode numbers reached 400+-good review i must say on a scale of 1 - 10 you are an 8 1/2

12:59 AM, April 20, 2006  
Blogger Serena said...

Watch Case Closed tv show with all episodes from here. So go through the link and get it in only in a single click.
So enjoy guys with this great show...

3:36 AM, July 20, 2009  

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